Seminar on Traditional Games in the Russian State House of Folk Art

At the end of last week, the first seminar of the Traditional Games and Ethnosport Federation of Russia under the name ‘Traditional games and holidays’ was held in the Russian State House of Folk Art Federation.

16 people from Moscow, Moscow Region and Bryansk came together to participate in the seminar. They were organizers of the traditional holidays, animators and specialists of art centers.

Alexey Kylasov, a cultural specialist, President of the Traditional Games and Ethnosport Federation of Russia (TGEFR) addressed the participants of the seminar with a speech. He spoke about the theoretical basis of the activities, interdepartmental cooperation, and the global structure, in the field of traditional games and ethnosport.

Anatoly Tedoradze, a historian, Vice President of the TGEFR, reported methods of field research and principles of organization of traditional games on the example of Russian games in Moscow and the Atmanovskiye Fists (an enthosport festival) in the Tambov region.

Mary Rusanova, Vice President of the of the TGEFR, Deputy Director of the Russian State House of Folk Art, gave detailed information about the electronic catalog of the intangible cultural heritage and applying for grants of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Piotr Sorokin, Head of the Department of Traditional Culture of the Russian State House of Folk Art, Honored Artist of Russia, gave a workshop on conducting ceremonies and presenting folk music and dance.

Upon completion of the two-day seminar and after the workshops in the course of traditional games on Low Sunday, all the participants were awarded certificates.
