The exhibition of traditional games held at the University of Zaragoza

On the San Francisco campus of the Department of Education, 300 primary school students are acquainted with the traditional games of the peoples of Spain.

The exhibition of traditional games was the result of an innovative project of the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza. Participants of this project was colleges Agustinos Romareda Recoletos, Salesianos, Recarte y Ornat y Eliseo Godoy.

The essence of the project is to develop an inclusive method of physical education, including traditional games.

The project implemented by third-year graduate students under the guidance of specialists from the Faculty of Education.

The event being release in cooperation with the European Traditional Sports and Games Association, the member of the executive committee of which is the project coordinator Carmen Fernández Amat, professor in the field of music education, plastic and physical expression, of the University of Zaragoza.

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