Two representatives of the World Ethnosport – Secretary General Vladislavs Redjkins (Latvia) and Council Member Malgorzata Bronikovska (Poland) took part in the EU Seminar on “Traditional Sports and Games, the way ahead”, which was held in an online format.
The seminar was chaired by Yves Le Lostecque, Head of the Sport Unit, European Commission. The workshop was moderated by Agata Dziarnowska, Policy Officer, Sport Unit, European Commission. The online seminar was attended by over 80 representatives of organizations interested in the safeguarding and development of traditional sports and games.
In the panel of seminar, after greetings from EU officials, spoke Dr. Malgorzata Bronikowska, Council member of the World Ethnosport, associate professor of the Poznan University of Physical Education. So the reports were made by Jonathan Lorcher-Beaudran, Project officer at UNESCO, Dr. Pere Lavega Burgues, ETSGA President, Jean-Francois Laurent, Junior Director at TAFISA, and Dr. Celia Marcen Munio, Erasmus+ project Geo-Ludens Project Manager.
Summing up the meeting, Yves Le Lostecque, Head of the Sport Unit, European Commission, said:
“I am very happy that we could have a careful look at the past, the present and advance some suggestions for the future of traditional sports and games. I have no doubt that we will cooperate closely in the years to come to make traditional sports and games an even more important element in our societies. As expressed in the seminar, we can count on the strong support of Commissioner Mariya Gabriel to consolidate the presence of traditional sports in the EU sport policy”.