Ethnosport Theory Publicly Available

Author of the ethnosport theory, Alexey Kylasov, a cultural specialist, posted his book “Ethnosport: The End of Deсline” on his personal website for public access.

Alexey Kylasov explained the reasons for that action to the \»Ethnosport\» journal and appealed to his potential readers:

— First of all, I must say that the book has had two editions in a row, and it is still in demand according to the orders coming from online stores to publishers. The first edition was published by \»Soviet Sport\» and was called “Ethnosport Theory”. It was a trial edition of only 500 copies, which sold out in the first month.

After that, I received an offer from Valery Anashvili, chief editor of \»Logos\» magazine, to release a new edition of the book in the \»Territory of the Future\» publishing company. The book was released under the title “Ethnosport: The End of Deсline”. Its presentation was held at the International Fair of Intellectual Non-fiction Literature in December 2012. And six months later Vladimir Soldatov, director of the publishing company, told me that the edition was sold out.

I like better the design of the book by the \»Territory of the Future\», so I made a decision to keep it, accordingly. I am grateful to the publisher Valery Anashvili, who took my decision with understanding.

The thing is that the development of traditional games, which is what I work for, poses a challenge. First of all, the topic remains understudied; very little work on it is being published. Moreover, it is not published in wide circulation, which creates a problem of access and reference. My work contains quite a substantial overview of the current publications that will help to get acquainted with the current state of affairs in the development of this topic. In addition, my point of view as a theorist and practitioner will be available to the maximum possible number of those interested in the field.