How to promote the ethnosport?

Build great promotion of your traditional game!

Traditional games are held in the framework of a people festives and rituals. The modern form of traditional games is a festival.

Participate in World Ethnosport Award as



You are organizing traditional sports and games festivals & events



You are creating technology based on traditional sports and games


Tour operator

You are promoting the territory through traditional sports and  games 



You are scientific researching the traditional sports and games



You are winner & participating  in traditional sports and games

Ethnosport is a modern folklore form of sport events that allows to maintain the authenticity of traditional sports and games and make them relevant for perception of participants and spectators.

Dr. Alexey Kylasov

Ethnosport Challenge

The World Ethnosport, in cooperation with local communities of traditional sports and games, as well as sports federations, holds a series of ETHNOSPORT CHALLENGE tournaments in order to present the nominees and winners of the World Ethnosport Award.

The World Ethnosport, in cooperation with local communities of traditional sports and games, as well as sports federations, holds a series of ETHNOSPORT CHALLENGE tournaments in order to present the nominees and winners of the World Ethnosport Award.

Our Experts

A society of experts will select the best practices of ethnosport for the annual WORLD ETHNOSPORT AWARD

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Our Friends about the Award

"Ethnosport contributes to the preservation of national identity and is gradually becoming an integral part of the programs for the development of culture, education, tourism and sports"
Aziz Abduhakimov
Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
"Ethnosport meets the spirit and objectives of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, therefore World Ethnosport has become an accredited UNESCO NGO"
Andrei Chevelev
Head of the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Unit
"Ethnosport is becoming the core of folk festivals, it is a modern form of traditional sports & games that connect us with the past"
Govinda Bhattarai
Chairman of the National Sports Council Nepal